Welcome to the Oshkosh Hack Club! We are The Oshkosh Hack Club, also known as WeCreate, a nonprofit fiscally sponsored by The Hack Foundation.

Established in 2024, we set out on a mission to solve a problem in our community; The lack of interest in computer science. We wish to empower young engineers in the Oshkosh area to use computers to plan, make, and ship personal projects by helping them learn about computers, software, and hardware.

Partnered with the Oshkosh Public Library, we will be holding free and public meetings every other week open to all students up to 12th grade. We hope to inspire these students to learn more about engineering and computing through hands-on projects, giving them the crucial real-world experience required to succeed and excel in computer science.

Our first meeting is Saturday, September 7th, and subsequent meetings take place every other Saturday.


Michael H.

Co-founder / Co-lead

Angad Behl

Founder / Co-lead

Eli N.

Co-founder / Co-lead

More information is coming soon. We hope to see you at a meeting!